Deploying projects and dependencies

Deploying projects

To deploy a Scrapy project to Scrapy Cloud, navigate into the project’s folder and run:

shub deploy [TARGET]

where [TARGET] is either a project name defined in scrapinghub.yml or a numerical Scrapinghub project ID. If you have configured a default target in your scrapinghub.yml, you can leave out the parameter completely:

$ shub deploy
Packing version 3af023e-master
Deploying to Scrapy Cloud project "12345"
{"status": "ok", "project": 12345, "version": "3af023e-master", "spiders": 1}
Run your spiders at:

You can also deploy your project from a Python egg, or build one without deploying:

$ shub deploy --egg egg_name --version 1.0.0
Using egg: egg_name
Deploying to Scrapy Cloud project "12345"
{"status": "ok", "project": 12345, "version": "1.0.0", "spiders": 1}
Run your spiders at:
$ shub deploy --build-egg egg_name
Writing egg to egg_name

Deploying dependencies

Sometimes your project will depend on third party libraries that are not available on Scrapy Cloud. You can easily upload these by specifying a requirements file:

# project_directory/scrapinghub.yml

  default: 12345
  prod: 33333

  file: requirements.txt

Note that this requirements file is an extension of the Scrapy Cloud stack, and therefore should not contain packages that are already part of the stack, such as scrapy.

In case you use pipenv you may also specify a Pipfile:

# project_directory/scrapinghub.yml

  default: 12345
  prod: 33333

  file: Pipfile

In this case the Pipfile must be locked and pipenv available in the environment.


To install pipenv tool, use pip install pipenv or check its documentation.

A requirements.txt file will be created out of the Pipfile so like the requirements file above, it should not contain packages that are already part of the stack.

If you use Poetry you can specify your pyproject.toml:

# project_directory/scrapinghub.yml

  default: 12345
  prod: 33333

  file: pyproject.toml

A poetry.lock file must be available, that will be used for determining the full requirements.


Poetry is a tool for dependency management and packaging in Python.

When your dependencies cannot be specified in a requirements file, e.g. because they are not publicly available, you can supply them as Python eggs:

# project_directory/scrapinghub.yml

  default: 12345
  prod: 33333

  file: requirements.txt
    - privatelib.egg
    - path/to/otherlib.egg

Alternatively, if you cannot or don’t want to supply Python eggs, you can also build your own Docker image to be used on Scrapy Cloud. See Deploying custom Docker images.

Choosing a Scrapy Cloud stack

You can specify the Scrapy Cloud stack to deploy your spider to by adding a stack entry to your configuration:

# project_directory/scrapinghub.yml

  default: 12345
stack: scrapy:1.3-py3

It is also possible to define the stack per project for advanced use cases:

# project_directory/scrapinghub.yml

    id: 12345
    stack: scrapy:1.3-py3
  prod: 33333  # will use Scrapinghub's default stack