

If you have pip installed on your system, you can install shub from the Python Package Index:

pip install shub

We also supply stand-alone binaries. You can find them in our latest GitHub release.

Getting help

To see all available commands, run:


For help on a specific command, run it with a --help flag, e.g.:

shub schedule --help

Basic usage

Start by logging in:

shub login

This will save your Scrapinghub API key to a file in your home directory (~/.scrapinghub.yml) and is necessary for access to projects associated with your Scrapinghub account. Alternatively, you can set your Scrapinghub API key as an environment variable (SHUB_APIKEY), check an appropriate section for details.

Next, navigate to a Scrapy project that you wish to upload to Scrapinghub. You can deploy it to Scrapy Cloud via:

shub deploy

On the first call, this will guide you through a wizard to save your project ID into a YAML file named scrapinghub.yml, living next to your scrapy.cfg. From anywhere within the project directory tree, you can now deploy via shub deploy.

Next, schedule one of your spiders to run on Scrapy Cloud:

shub schedule myspider

You can watch its log or the scraped items while the spider is running by supplying the job ID:

shub log -f 2/34
shub items -f 2/34